OUr Story
A podcast featuring the voices of students and leaders at the OU College of Medicine.
Learn more about OU COM's MD program at https://medicine.ouhsc.edu/
OUr Story
Diagnosing Med School: The Non-Traditional Student Experience
Dr. Smith welcomes two second-year medical students, Jacob Curtis and Julie Hodgden. This episode of the Diagnosing Med School series focuses on what medical school is like for the Non-Traditional Student. While many students start their medical career journey shortly after college, others take alternative paths and find their way here later in life. This episode covers the following topics:
- Deciding on a medical career "later" in life
- Challenges and support for non-traditional medical students
- Advice for anyone interested in medical school as a non-traditional student
Jacob and Julie are both co-presidents of the campus-wide Non-Traditional Students of OUHSC (NSO) student organization. Learn more about NSO here.
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